Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Okay so today I was running around...... first had my second interview with Ideal Image and frankly I think it went sour :(  for some reason one of the questions she asked just flew right over my head and just went downhill from there :(

Don't know but I just lifted it up to God.  He knows what is in line for my new chapter in life so I'm going to leave it at that.  Maybe it is to continue Mary Kay full time who knows but right now I know I'm unemployed and I need a steady income.

With that being said I realized that I come into contact with many people.  Today I came in contact with my interviewers (which I was not going to ask if they wanted a complimentary facial).

2) The cell phone company to get a new phone (needless to say I need to get use to it)
3)The supermarket
4) The bank
5)Another supermarket
6) McDonald's

Then I sat down and thought....hmmmmm I've come into contact with various people and I didn't even bother to offer them a complimentary facial or anything like that....HELLO Networking is the 1 important thing you need to do in a consulting business.  I need to get out there and offer offer offer....then maybe I can build my clientele.

So tomorrow my goal is to offer at least one person a complimentary facial. I have a few errands to run that includes taking some of my gift baskets to two local businesses and run a few other errands.

Tomorrow is my Mary Kay unit meetings....I just love the positive feedback we get from there...

Well until tomorrow....trying to figure out how to get my contacts on my new phone. Girl at the place said it was added via bluetooth but aaaahhhheeemmmm seem like she didn't know what the flowering stitches she was doing because I have no damn contacts...how frustrating.

Well Good night people.  Hope you have a wonderful evening. Until tomorrow!!

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